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What did I learn in Sunday school?

Shannon Chen

I learned that you have to be filial to parents and make them as happy as possible. When parents call you, you have to reply as early as possible. Also, don’t do something that will make parents feel shameful.

Evelyn When your parents are mistaken, you can’t be mean and yell at them. Instead, you should talk to them warmly. When your parents ask them something; you have to answer them. Now that I read “Standards for being a Good Student,” I’ve been a better person. When I get stuff from elderly individuals, I always say “thank you” and “please.”

Michelle Huang
I learned that you must be filial to your parents and keep them happy. When you leave the house, or return, always make sure to inform your parents. Greet your parents in the morning and say “goodnight” as Dusk. I also learned that when parents are nice to you, it’s not hard to be filial, but when they yell at you, still try to be good. 

Hillary Tran
Do not fight when someone doesn’t like you. Do not talk back to your parents. Be kind to siblings. Do not hurt people’s feelings. If people tease at you, do not tease them back. When people come, you have to have good behavior. If you have an older sibling and they don’t treat you well, you still do not talk back and do not fight with them. If you are the oldest sibling, treat your siblings well.

Yee kit Chan
Whatever your parents like, you should hasten to get it for them. Whatever your parents dislike, you should take it away quickly. Do not tease your friends about what they do not know. Think about what you don’t know and work on it. You should also be trust-worthy. Do not hurt yourself or your parents shall worry and fret. You should not waste food or cause and effect will turn on you and next time you will have no food. You should be compassionate and love all equally. Do not do to others what you don’t want others to do unto you. Do not just do something for reward. 

Elaine Wu
I learned whatever you give, you will get more in the future, but do not give more just because you want more in the future. I learned the five precepts. I learned how tiring my parents will be so I give them rest and tell them to go to bed early so they can get up early and start work early so they’re not late for work. I learned not to lie and to be trustworthy. I learned to help my parents with chores. I learned to not let my parents worry. Do not gossip. Do your homework first and then play.

Karen Liang
I learned to listen to my parents since they took care of me when I was small. I learned to take care of my parents when they are sick. I learned to be careful when holding Buddha’s books.
I learned to be kind to animals and friends. I learned to think about it before I say something bad or hurtful. I learned to play with someone when they are left alone. I learned to respect elders. I learned to reuse, reduce, and recycle.

Alvina Su
When your parents do something wrong, correct them when it is the right time. If you steal a little, you have to give a lot. When your parents are sick, read the ingredients and directions for taking medicine, bring them a cup of warm water.

I learned to respect to my parents all the time. I learned when my parents are cold I should keep them warm in the winter. I leaned to complete my lunch at school because she cooked so hard and she always does all the work at home.