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Vegetables Preserved with Sugar and Vinegar 2013-02-06


1 white radish
1 carrot
2 small cucumbers


1 cup sliced young ginger
1 cup rock sugar
1 cup lemon juice
1 tbsp. sea salt



1. Rinse all ingredients. Cut into 1 cm. cubes; marinate in sea salt and ginger until soft. Rinse with cold water and drain.

2. Add rock sugar and lemon juice to step 1 and let steep for one day before serving.


Napa cabbage, cabbage, green beans, celery, carrots, lotus root, kohlrabi, cauliflower, and eggplants can all be used as substitutes.


Preserved vegetables are fermented naturally in an isolated environment, which prevents unfavorable microbial activity but instead produces an abundant amount of lactobacillus. The lactobacillus then makes a variety of acids, alcohols, and esters, which produce a distinct taste and smell. Naturally preserved foods often have high nutritional value with a minimum loss of vitamins in the process, making them very healthy.