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Vegetarianism » Heavenly Kitchen & Delightful Flavors » Warm Homemade Recipes » ">

Stir Fry Bean Sprouts2013-01-10


Approximately 4 -- 6 servings


300 g. soybean sprouts
300 g. bok choy
Some sliced carrots


½ tsp. sea salt
Licorice water (soak ½ slice of licorice in water)


1. Wash all ingredients and cut the bok choy into 4 cm. long. Blanch and let cool.

2. Heat 1 tbsp. of oil in a frying pan and add soybean sprouts. Stir and add ½ bowl of water. Simmer for 5 minutes under low heat. Add bok choy, carrot slices, sea salt, and licorice water. Stir for 1 additional minute and serve.


Soybean sprouts are shaped like the Chinese jade ornament known as ruyi, which means “as you will.” Soybean sprouts have been around since the Warring States Period, and were called “yellow curls” and used primarily for medicinal purposes at the time. Soybean sprouts contain raw protein, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals, such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, and zinc. They also contain an especially high concentration of Vitamin C.


Bok choy contains many nutrients. Eating regularly can boost immunity, repress stomach acid production, relieve constipation, and prevent arteriosclerosis caused by high cholesterol. It is especially effective in clearing excess heat and opening up gastrointestinal tracks. Chinese medicine deems bok choy as neutral in nature, sweet in taste, and capable of clearing the digestive system and facilitating digestion, relieving heaviness in the chest, reducing gas, curing malaria, and suppressing cough from excess heat in the body.