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Sunday School » Admission Requirements

Instilling Goodness Sunday school in GSM




Instilling goodness Sunday school in GSM, established in 1996, is dedicated to developing students’ wisdom and spirit of self-discipline, based on the Buddha’s teaching and Chinese traditional ethics.



In addition to Buddha dharma, students are offered a sutra-memorizing program, so that sutra texts will be stored in their eighth consciousness. Before class begins, a monastic will lead students to recite Heart Sutra, bow to the Buddha, meditate and share Buddhism-related stories. Then our dedicated volunteer teachers will take students to different classrooms. Apart from Buddhist Sutras and Mantras, and books such as Rules of Students, a wide variety of programs including handicrafts, singing labor are provided, which are integrated with Chinese ethic codes and Buddhism principles, so that students are instilled the foundation of humanity-being filial and kind, being respectful to teachers and elders, obeying propriety, being self-disciplined, then further students will gain a understanding of the principles of cause and effect, know how to treat living beings with kindness and compassion, and bring forth the Bodhi resolve; Our expectation is that under edification of such education, students will know how to cherish their blessings, and develop the virtue of being grateful, filial, friendly.


Class Info

The students who range in ages from 3 to 18 years old. Students are divided according to different levels. Courses are provided in bilingual (Chinese/English).The class time is 9AM-11AM every Sunday. Spring, Fall and Summer term are offered in each year.



Gold Sage Monastery Sunday School


Time: 9AM ~ 11AM, Sunday
Students' age: 3 ~ 18 years old
Tel: (408) 923-7243