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Sunday School » Teacher/Student Corner » Teachers' Article

The Venerable Master’s Wish is Our Goal2013-10-22

In the Dharma talk collection Education Saves the Country, the Venerable Master said: “The reason I engage in education was not only to sustain the Buddha’s wisdom, but also to sustain the wisdom of living beings. If we teach our students well, in the future, when they graduate and go out into society, they will know how to face it; and furthermore, be a good influence to society and ultimately change the world.” In Gold Sage Monastery’s Sunday School, we use the Venerable Master’s guidelines and principles to teach the children in our classes.

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Teaching & Learning at Sunday School -A Few Notes2013-01-10

I remember when I was just starting to get involved in teaching as an assistant teacher, one day I took the kids to the Meal Offering Ceremony. Holding the hands of little kids before the adorned statues of the kind and compassionate Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, I deeply felt the responsibility of my duty.

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