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Teaching & Learning at Sunday School -A Few Notes


By  Genglin Zheng

I remember when I was just starting to get involved in teaching as an assistant teacher, one day I took the kids to the Meal Offering Ceremony. Holding the hands of little kids before the adorned statues of the kind and compassionate Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, I deeply felt the responsibility of my duty.

I also remember once I told the class to take Time Out as the class was a little bit out of order. A 4-year old obviously did not understand the purpose of the Time Out. That afternoon in the Buddha Hall, the kid, who was usually cheerful seeing me, cried when I was approaching her. Right then, I felt that tears were coming down from Guan Yin Bodhisattvas’s eyes, too. My heart was as heavy as if it was dropping to the floor.

I learn from many role models while teaching in GSM─these volunteers farm diligently in the fields of GSM school, day after day, year after year. Some are extremely hard working, some are very experienced, some are funny and cheerful ——they all inspire me in their own ways. I have also received plenty of assistance in selecting teaching materials and aids, as well as in teaching methods. Sometimes I received help before I even asked. These volunteers have touched my heart very often, and have inspired and helped me grow, with their kindness, selflessness, and deep belief in Buddhism.

Dharma Master Yun’s instructions are usually brief and to the point, and have often become precious teachings I could use for life. Once I was trying out some kids songs, cheerful yet too noisy. I was able to get the kids attention temporarily, but then they became hyper and noisy. Later I met Master Yun at the classroom building. Master Yun told me: “Some music can give people peace while others can make people hyper.” For the past year or so, this has become my principle in selecting songs and music. It has also helped me uncovered more peace and harmony in my self nature.

Of late I created a game for kids to learn Chinese. Afterwards, Master Yun commented: “The game was helpful, but the fonts are not the proper style for beginner kids. These kids are just learning Chinese characters, yet they are seeing scrawled writing.” The master left shortly, but in my mind there were ellipses right behind her comments, making me to reflect on them. It then dawned on me that there are straight writings, as well as crooked writings. How could I not have known this!

The Venerable Master Hua is a supreme educator. He had a Dharma talk to the effect of this, “Someone asked about my age. I told him, when I see a 100-year old person, I am 100 years old. When I see an 8-year old, I have a heart of an 8-year old . “

How, to step from the lovely innocent eyes of little kids, into their young fields of the minds awaiting planting? How, to accord with their young ages, to help them to learn from the dharma masters, from Venerable Master Hua, and from Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, so as to let the saplings of purity and peace flourish in the young minds? Purity and peace are the foundations of happiness. Helping kids build their foundations of happiness is a school course that I need to make efforts to learn.